I consider myself a new travel blog pressing the Go Live! button November 2019. But really my publish date is living proof that I did in fact started this travel blog January 2019. I feel like I've been working on this travel blog behind the scenes for a longer time than it would normally take most. Probably because I have. I definitely didn't make starting a blog easy on myself. I started this process while 6 months pregnant, still working, and with a toddler at home. After getting bombarded so often with advertisements like "Start a blog in 5 minutes!" I thought, "Wow! Easy peasy!" As it turns out, while yes you can START a blog, it certainly doesn't mean it's ONLY 5 minutes to finish it or sustain it. As I so happened to have learned. It has been more challenging than I thought it would be. Now that I've finally hit the "Go" button, so to speak, in making this blog public, I feel a sense of relief. I'm ready and excited for this new adventure to start.
Why Did I Start This Travel Blog?
The simplest answer and my honest thoughts were, "I love to travel and I love to write. I should start a blog." From that simple answer though, I have had to dig a little deeper and ask myself some poignant questions about what my goals, dreams, and visions for the future are and how to work to achieve them . But throughout this process, I've realized that my desire for the future is simple, to travel more with my family. While traveling in and of itself can sometimes be stressful, there are always moments on the journey that bring me closer to Christ. I've found myself in tears on more than one occasion while traveling thinking of Psalm 8:3-6 (NIV),
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet."
It's hard not to feel so small sometimes or get caught up with our day to day little world, that we forget our place in all of it. But then you travel and look out over the mountain ranges, or vast ocean, or green grasslands, and realize, yes we are small! But we matter so much to our great Savior and He put this beautiful place at our feet. I want my kids to be able to see and experience that vastness and majesty of our Heavenly Father visible in all that He made.
Why Should You Read This Blog?
With that being said, there are tons of travel bloggers out there to read, why choose me? I've traveled less than some, but more than most. What I feel like I bring to the table is a plethora of travel experiences. While my future travel will be focused on traveling as a family and traveling gluten free and dairy free, as is my life right now, my past travel was very different. I've travelled with and without kids, with and without food allergies, with friends, with family, and on my own. Since the blog is made up of all my travels, there are travel stories for everyone.
There have been moments when I've thought "How can I travel now?" For me those moments were when I developed the gluten sensitivity and when I started having children. If you've asked yourself the same question, then take it from someone who knows. You can! Read more on my About page. While I may not be an expert on all things travel, I do hope that this blog can be just what the doctor ordered, your prescription for travel.
So stay tuned. It's only the beginning.
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