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What to Pack for Walt Disney World – For a Park Day

Our comprehensive guide of what to pack for Walt Disney World is a must have for any families planning a Disney vacation. We keep it focused and minimalist here. Less is more. As Walt Disney World annual pass holders and lifelong Disney goers, we know exactly what to bring for a day at the parks and what to leave at home especially when you are headed here with children.

For a fuller list of what to pack, don’t forget to check out my packing list posts below. Each with a specific focus, so make sure you take a look at those too, so you don’t miss any helpful nuggets of information. 

Read More: Packing List for Vacation

Read More: Travel Accessories for a Day Out with Toddlers

Read More: Florida Packing List

Read More: Best Beach Vacation Packing List for Family

What to Pack for Walt Disney World – Must Haves


I may sound like a broken record, because a few of these items make every packing list I’ve written thus far.  But in Florida, they are always must-haves. Sunscreen is one of them. While you can definitely put on sunscreen before you get to the park, if you are going to be spending hours there, then you may want to carry it with you as well to re-apply.

My favorite sunscreen brand in Badger. I’m always on the lookout for safe brands that keep the ingredient list to a minimum. I also look to see that those ingredients are safe for myself and my family. Badger Sport sunscreen has only 4 ingredients!!! All of them are skin safe. 

It goes on white then rubs in clear (it’s a bit thick, so it needs a little elbow grease). You’ll also find it’s a little more expensive than the brands at the shelf ends of your Target or Walmart. But that cost is worth it knowing that there aren’t any harmful ingredients.

They also have an SPF lip balm which is also a must.

Badger Sport Sunscreen with the blurred background of me holding it in front of the tree of life at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Water Bottles

Another Florida essential is having a really good water bottle. And I do mean really good. Like keeping ice solid for hours in melting summer heat good. This is so important in fact that I wrote two blog posts just on my favorite water bottles. One that I find is better for the kids and one that I love to use as an adult. We literally never miss packing these for Disney. 

Read More: My Favorite Hydro Flask Water Bottle

Read More: Best Stainless Steel Water Bottle for Kids


Sunglasses are another must. Have you ever not worn sunglasses in the Florida sun? You basically can’t see cause you are squinting so hard or it’s literally painful to open them. So, make sure you have your sunglasses pack for Disney. 

Sunglasses should have both UVA and UVB protection. For the Florida sun, it’s especially important to make sure that they are polarized versus non-polarized. While not as important at Disney since alligators aren’t much of a problem, it does help keep that sun glare down.

It is your prerogative if you want to wear expensive sunglasses. Just make sure you remove them and store them away when going on a wilder ride. We’ve seen everything fly off on some of these rides like Minnie ears, hair ties, hats, and sunglasses.

If you prefer, you can buy some cheapie sunglasses and then if you do happen to lose them, there’s no love lost cause they weren’t too expensive to begin with. 

Me and my 2 kids in sunglasses in front of Disney's Riviera Resort
Buy My Sunglasses HereBuy Boy Sunglasses HereBuy Girl Sunglasses Here


There was a time when we were told Disney was going to basically forbid side-by-side strollers in the park. While that time never did come, and you can bring them, I will say, it is tough with a side-by-side stroller. The crowds are hard to navigate and you have to be prepared for some slow walking if you do. 

We have loved and would buy all over again our Baby Jogger City Select stroller. We got it when Roman was born and he’s still riding in it comfortably at age 7. It has weathered many Disney days and continues to roll on strong. It seats 2 and holds possibly one more standing. 

The benefit is that the kids aren’t seated side-by-side but front and back. By doing it this way, the stroller takes up less room when walking and you can navigate through the crowds much faster.

Baby Jogger City Select Lux at Magic Kingdom Castle
Stroller and Car Seat Combination
kids in the Baby Jogger City Select Lux at Disney
They’re having fun, I swear 😉

If you want a much lighter or smaller stroller, then we loved our Baby Jogger City Tour stroller. It folds up very small which is great if you have to take something with you on the plane. 

Baby Carrier

A stroller is a must, but if you are waiting in lines, then you are likely going to have to carry that baby. It’s times like that when you need a baby carrier. Plus these babies aren’t going to want to be stuck in the stroller all day. In the carrier, they can be upright and looking out at all the Disney magic you are seeing too.  

BabyBjorn Baby Carrier Mini at Magic Kingdom Castle

Comfortable Clothes and Shoes

The one thing that you should keep in mind when getting ready for a day at Disney is to be comfortable. You will be walking a lot! It may likely be hot. Comfort is the most important thing.

For the kids, I like to keep the clothes lightweight. Plus if you notice, I love dressing them in Disney themed character clothes and the kids love it too. 

kids in front of the Luca mural at the Italy pavilion in Disney's Epcot

I’m a huge fan of wearing athleisure wear during park days. Let’s face it, you are definitely getting a workout. Plus I love that they have thigh pockets which are perfect for my phone. Etsy has a huge selection of some cute character themed shirts.

With Princess Jasmine at the Morocco Pavilion at Disney's Epcot
I love a themed party and we all try to dress the part. 2024’s birthday for Eden was Beauty and the Beast themed.

I’ve worn a lot of different types of sneakers to Disney, and then by the end of the day my feet are hurting. But I’ve found the most comfortable and stylish sneakers that are now a Disney packing staple. I’ve included the link above and they are also shown in the photo. I also have them in white, they wash great in the washer, and have stayed white for many years.

For the men, my husband recommends the sneakers listed above and in the picture. He says they are the most comfortable sneakers he’s ever owned. 

Backpack and Crossbody Bag (Fanny Pack)

The crossbody bag or basically the fanny pack has made it’s way out of the 90s and is going strong in 2024. With multiple ways to wear it, I literally never go to the park without it. 

While you absolutely do need a regular sized backpack for change of clothes, snacks, wipes, autograph books, batteries, and more, it’s rather bulky to carry that around all the time. We usually store the backpack in our stroller and just use stuff out of it as we need to.

But as you go on the rides you need something small for things like car keys, phone, wallet, and tickets. You don’t want to leave those important items in the stroller and you don’t want to carry a bulky bag with you on the rides, so this is the perfect compromise. 

If you aren’t a fan of the fanny pack, then check out this cute small backpack, you can use too. But again, most of the time, they may not let those on the rides, but I’ve not had a problem with my crossbody bag. 

Read More: Best Backpacks for School and Travel

Portable Battery Pack

Sometimes I’m guilty of taking for granted how blessed I am to live close enough to visit Walt Disney World on such a regular basis. But for some I know that this can often be a once in a lifetime visit, and you don’t want to miss a single memory. So, please pack a portable battery pack

100% battery life at the beginning of the day does not equate to a full day of battery life. Between photos, videos, checking the my Disney Experience app, posting to your social media, using your phone to keep the kids busy, or whatever else you do will eat up battery.

Now you have to recharge, but you do not want to be stuck to a wall for hours waiting. It’s so much easier to have that portable battery pack to charge your phone while you’re in line, or eating dinner, or even riding a ride. Don’t miss the opportunity to capture your families memories.

Hand Wipes

It is a force of nature, kids will touch everything. Especially if you are waiting on long lines, they are touching ropes, and walls, and floors, and basically anything else around. Of course, where is the next place their hands go? Ding ding ding, if you guessed their mouths. Lol. 

You absolutely need hand sanitizer wipes on hand (pun intended) at all times. 


Disney food is priced like airport food. It’s a bit expensive. Lol. While definitely worth it, because Disney food is great, you are going to need snacks. If you want to pack food, you can. Here are some things to remember. If you bring a cooler, there are size restrictions, so check the main Disney website to make sure that yours passes that test.

We typically throw our snacks in a plastic bag in our backpack. For cold items, we bring a small insulated lunch bag. By doing this, we’ve never had a problem bringing in food. Also make sure nothing is in a glass container.

Extras to Pack for Disney

Autograph Books

I still have my Disney World autograph book from when I went to Disney as a kid. It’s fun because sometimes the characters I saw never made a reappearance. Now my kids also love to get their favorite characters autograph. We got the 50th anniversary ones from Disney which have a photo sleeve. Although most don’t have a photo sleeve, so don’t worry. Here are some links to get some:

kids meeting max from Disney's A Goofy Movie in Hollywood Studios

Minnie Ears

For the ladies, Minnie ears are having their moment. If you are like me then you absolutely want to be a part of it. Are they a Disney packing requirement? No, but maybe they should be 😉 

There are a lot of handmade Disney ears on Etsy that are super cool, or you can get some pretty cheap on Amazon. But whichever way you go, it’s all good and just another fun way to be part of that Disney magic.


While a hat is not necessarily a must to pack for Disney, it’s definitely worth it at times. As I’ve mentioned before our Florida sun will get you. So for those in the family with thin or thinning hair, bald heads, or for those babies that can’t yet wear sunscreen, then I would recommend wearing a hat.

To the ladies, if you part your hair or your kids hair, you will need sunscreen there. Otherwise, a hat will work for that too to keep them protected.

Fan Spray

The Disney spray fan is a wonderful invention especially during summer time. It helps keep you cool and sometimes just gives you that mist of water that you need to cool down a bit. We use this not only at Disney, but also at soccer games, or festivals, anytime we are going to be outside for quite a bit. 

A helpful tip is to fill it with ice first then water, so you have extra cold water coming out when you mist yourself. Plus the blades are foam, so if your kids fingers hit them they won’t get hurt at all.

Packing for a Rainy Day at Disney World

Rain Jackets (versus Ponchos)

Ponchos were a Disney packing staple back in the day. Possibly giving away my age a little with that statement. But truly, I recently realized I hate ponchos. For all these reasons:

The hood flies off your head while you’re walking and gets you wet. Or you have to hold the hood down to keep your head covered then your arm is getting soaked. 

The length falls to your thighs which means if you sit down, your butt is getting wet. Or half your body is dry, but the bottom half is still soaked.

The arms are so wide that they just blow in the wind and don’t cover you enough to keep you dry.

They aren’t the most stylish. It’s a glorified plastic garbage bag. And while it’s better than be stuck out in the rain with nothing, with a bit of planning it doesn’t have to be what you’re stuck with.

wearing ponchos in the rain at Disney's Epcot
From our poncho days, but NO MORE!!

I love these rain jackets. They are made from PVC, which is basically the material of a shower curtain liner. Lol. But the hoods are bigger so they seem to stay in place better. The sleeves have an elastic band keeping water out better. Plus they are much longer, so you can actually sit down and not get soaked. Also the one I found for the ladies, is way more stylish. 

Don’t get stuck soaked at the parks. If you know there is a chance for rain, throw these thin rain jackets in your stroller to be better prepared. 

Travel Umbrellas

If you don’t want to wear a rain jacket, or if it’s only supposed to be a light mist of rain, then you can always opt for a travel umbrella. They are super compact for traveling. 

We also sometimes use this as a makeshift cover for our stroller. Although if your stroller has a specific rain cover, that would probably be a better fit. 

kids with mickey and minnie umbrellas waiting for eat to the beat at Disney's Epcot

Water Shoes (versus Rain Boots)

Rain boots may seem like a no brainer in the rain. It’s literally in the name. But if you are at Disney World, then rain boots are big and clunky and uncomfortable for the amount of walking you need to do. 

My recommendation is to skip the rain boots and pack the water shoes. Let’s face it your feet are probably going to get wet. The easiest thing then is to just wear shoes that accommodate that. Plus it’s way easier and takes up less space packing water shoes than it is to pack rain boots. 

We typically will still wear socks and sneakers to the park, but then just change into water shoes once it starts raining. If it stops, then you’ll at least already have dry socks and sneakers to change back into.

Want to pick my brain about all things Disney? After having lived in Florida for 30+ years and being an avid Disney goer and my mom having been a cast member, I’ve got lots of knowledge. Make sure you sign up to my e-mail list, because on the horizon you will be able to do just that, so don’t miss out. In the meantime, drop any questions in the comments!

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